Big Mock

Featuring 180 high yield questions not found in the Question Bank to ensure you are ready for the PLAB 1 exam and the new UKMLA exam! The BIG MOCKS are valid for 6 months from purchase. They cost £30 for each BIG MOCK. You must log in before purchase but you do not require an active subscription to access the BIG MOCKS.

Why do the BIG MOCK?
The BIG MOCK is catered for when you are close to finishing your preparation. It has a mix of topics that you might find familiar with and topics that you may not have been prepared for at all. This is what you would expect in the PLAB part 1 exam. We have produced the BIG MOCKS to give you a more accurate prediction of your exam marks. It is useful to go through this using a 3-hour timer so that you know the exact time challenge that you may face in the real exam.
BIG MOCK July 2024
Our newest Big Mock is tailored for the upcoming PLAB 1 exam!
BIG MOCK April 2024
180 new questions, not included in the Question Bank!
BIG MOCK January 2024
The BIG MOCK! A good one for time management!
BIG MOCK October 2023
Enjoy everyone!
BIG MOCK July 2023

Enjoy everyone!

BIG MOCK May 2023
Enjoy everyone!
BIG MOCK January 2023
Enjoy everyone!
BIG MOCK October 2022
The BIG MOCK October 2022 is a great extra mock for those who have their exam soon.
BIG MOCK August 2022
A great mock to test your knowledge on new guidelines. Time management is important for this BIG MOCK. Get ready for the challenge!
BIG MOCK May 2022

This BIG MOCK has so much to offer. It is another mock to do if you still feel time management is an issue. Get ready for the challenge! 


BIG MOCK January 2022
Our BIG MOCK which has been built to reflect the exact level of the PLAB 1 exam.